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Train Tickets Banjar to Bandung

Looking for a train ticket Banjar to Bandung? Find the best and cheapest train tickets on this route and other relevant information. You can also search for cheap trains tickets for other routes and easily compare train and flight prices for different dates.

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Train schedule Banjar - Bandung

NameDepartingArrivingTravel TimeRoute
Malabar 14:13 17:58 3h 45m Banjar - Bandung
Argo Wilis 14:43 18:08 3h 25m Banjar - Bandung
Lodaya 23:35 03:10 3h 35m Banjar - Bandung

Route Information Banjar to Bandung

About Station Banjar

Banjar Station with station code BJR is a train station located in Banjar village, Banjar sub-District, Banjar City, West Java Province. The station is located at +32 meters above sea level (masl) and operated by PT. KAI Operational Region II Bandung. Banjar Station serves all trains: economy, business and executive.

Stations in Banjar

About Station Bandung

Bandung station, also known by the name of Hall Station is the main station and the largest in Bandung city. The station is located on Jalan Stasiun Timur 1 and Jalan Kebon Kawung 43 Bandung. This station was inaugurated on May 17th, 1884 and is managed by PT . KAI Operational Region 2 Bandung. The station is also called by the name of Terminal Angkot because there are many public transportation to get to this station. Originally this station has only one part, but after the Bandung local government renovated this station, it has two parts but still become one.

Stations in Bandung

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